Split Firewood
Seasoned or Kiln Dried
Seasoned - split firewood is a round wood that has been cut and split. Consists of only the highest quality hardwoods. This wood has been seasoned to ensure a proper burn. Cordwood is sold by the cord. Cut to a standard length of 16-17".
Price $360 per cord delivered $330 each on orders of 2 or more cords.
Kiln Dried - Our premium quality kiln dried split firewood is the absolute best! It has been dried to a moisture content of 16-18% which ensures an energetic enjoyable burn. It has been USDA heat treat certified to ensure all pests have been eliminated and is completely safe for storage in your home or garage! This wood is the #1 choice for use in restaurants, fireplaces, and newer era stoves and furnaces which demand the best wood for proper performance.
Price $425 per cord delivered. $395 each on orders of 2 or more cords.
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Slabwood - Green or Kiln Dried
Green - slabwood is a by-product of milling lumber. It consists of pieces of hardwood firewood varying in thickness and cut tn lengths from 16" to 18". Slabwood is sold by the dump truck load which contains approximately 2 - 2 1/2 cords. Slabwood is the most cost-efficient wood heating source. Additionally, this material is hauled directly from the mill to our customers, so we are not able to sell as seasoned firewood.
Price Price is flat $305 including delivery. Load may contain more than 2 cords but no more than 2.5 cords. Every load will have 2 cords at minimum.
Kiln Dried Slab - Our premium quality kiln dried slabwood is the best of both worlds! A great value for its price and a great quality for its dryness. It has been dried to a moisture content of 16-18% which ensures an energetic enjoyable burn. It is also USDA heat treat certified to ensure all pests have been eliminated and is safe for storage in your home or garage!
Price $250 per cord delivered. $230 each on orders of 2 or more cords.
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Pre-stacked Split Firewood - Kiln Dried
The same premium quality kiln dried split wood you trust is now available on a pallet. Avoid the pile of firewood sitting in the driveway! Have our custom built skid dropped where it's convenient for you! In the garage or around the house, have it where you want it! (Some restrictions apply.)
Palletized kiln dried split wood is USDA heat treat certified and dried to a moisture content of 16-18%.
Price $225 per pallet delivered ($20 pallet core charge and delivery included).
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